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About Robin DeCicco

Robin is a holistic nutritionist. She is available for individual nutrition counseling, as well as group and family sessions in which she coaches clients based on her program, “The Power of Food Education” through her virtual private practice and is able to see clients from around the world.

Robin appears on evening news and morning television shows around the country and is quoted in many publications as a trusted nutrition source in the media. She is a dynamic speaker who educates the masses on the importance of food education and taking a closer look at what’s inside our food.

Robin leads workshops and at many corporations and medical centers throughout the New Jersey/New York area and is hired by private companies and trade organizations for public speaking events.

She is the holistic nutritionist at Englewood Hospital & Medical Center’s Graf Center for Integrative Medicine in Englewood, NJ in which she evaluates diet and lifestyle patterns of patients’ and members of the community and then develops custom plans to increase health and energy and decrease symptoms of disease.

Robin acts as the nutritionist for the following businesses:

Alivio Wellness

Real Hot Yoga

Rumble Boxing 

Robin Decicco Power of Food Education


eating ‘women specific’ protein bars

drinking soy lattes?

ordering salads everywhere you go?


low -fat

whole wheat

sugar free, ‘diet’ foods


Schedule Your Virtual Consultation Today!

About the program

The Power of Food Education teaches clients:

The benefits of eating whole foods rather than diet foods that trade nutrients for artificial ingredients
How whole foods act as preventive medicine in the body
How to implement long-lasting changes that result in optimal health
How feelings of exhaustion, mental fog, anxiety and stress correlate to making poor food choices
What causes stress and how to connect stressful triggers to eating patterns
How to change habits through behavior modification strategies
The power of the mind-body connection